Using i-PhoneNet Call Manager
    i-PhoneNet Call Manager provides you with features to place and receive calls through the web interface. When you first log in, the i-PhoneNet Call Manager page is displayed on top of the Home page.
    i-PhoneNet Call Manager Page at Login
    Alternatively, click the Call Manager link from any page to access the i-PhoneNet Call Manager page.
    i-PhoneNet Call Manager

    The Call Manager page displays the text boxes and buttons described below.

    Text boxes and buttons


    User’s Name and Number

    Displays your i-PhoneNet user’s name and phone number.

    Enter Phone Number

    Phone number to call.

    Call Control Area

    Displays the calls you are currently engaged in.  Each call is numbered and is identified by the following labels:  Talking, Hold and Conference.  If your i-PhoneNet Call Manager is integrated with Outlook, a plus (+) sign appears beside the caller’s name.  Clicking on the + sign adds this contact to your Outlook Contacts database.


    See Using the Call Manager Tabs for information on using Call Manager tabs.

    Call Control Buttons

    Use the Call Control Buttons to control your calls.  See Placing and Receiving Calls for more information on controlling your calls.

    i-PhoneNet Express Profile in Use

    Displays the i-PhoneNet Express Profile that is currently in use.  See i-PhoneNet Express for information on Configuring i-PhoneNet Express profiles.


    Displays the service status indicator that is currently active. 

    System Buttons

    Use the system buttons to access Call Manager system features.  These include:

    Support: Use SUPPORT to open a new e-mail message to report a problem to Call Manager i-PhoneNet Customer Support.

    Help: Use HELP to access context-sensitive help.

    Configure: Use CONFIGURE to display your current configuration settings.  See the section i-PhoneNet Call Manager for information on configuring Call Manager.