
Use this menu item on the User - Profile menu page to

Reset Your Password

User - Passwords

Reset Your Password

Use this procedure to reset your web access or voice portal password.

  1. On the User - Profile menu page click Passwords. The User - Passwords page displays.
  2. Click the button to indicate which password you are changing. To change the password that gets you into i-PhoneNet, click "Set web access password". To change the password for your voice messaging options, click "Set voice portal password".
  3. Type your current password. Type the password exactly as you do when logging into the system, including capitalization. The password does not display as you type on the keyboard; * displays for each character typed. Example: ******
  4. Type the new password. Enter the password exactly as you do when logging into the system, including capitalization. Web access passwords are alphanumeric combinations that must begin with a character. Voice portal passwords are numeric characters only. The password does not display as you type on the keyboard; * displays for each character typed. Example: ******
  5. Type the new password again. Re-type the new password exactly as it was typed the first time, including capitalization.
  6. Save your changes. Click Apply or OK. Apply saves your changes. OK saves your changes and displays the previous page.
    To exit without saving, select another page or click Cancel to display the previous page.