Time Schedule

Use this menu item on the User - Profile menu page to:

  • Add a Schedule
  • Modify a Time Schedule
  • Delete a Time Schedule

Use the User - Profile menu page to manage your personal profile data. Once you've logged into the system, the User - Profile page displays, which is the user's Home page. At any time you can click Home to return to your Home page.

User - Time Schedule
  1. Add a Schedule

    Use this procedure to add a personal schedule. Personal schedules effect the following service configurations: Selective Call Forwarding, Selective Call Rejection, Selective Call Acceptance, and Priority Alert.

    Time Schedule - Time Schedule Add
    1. On the User - Profile menu page click Time Schedule. The User - Time Schedule page displays.
    2. Click Add. The User - Time Schedule Add page displays. The time schedule is composed of entries that include the day of the week, the start time, the end day, and the end time.
    3. Type the name of the schedule in the Time Schedule Name text box.
    4. From the Start Day drop-down list, select the day to start the entry.
    5. Type the start time and select "AM' or "PM" from the drop-down list.
    6. From the End Day drop-down box, select the end day of the entry.
    7. Type the end date and select "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down list.
    8. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each entry to add to the schedule.
    9. To save your changes and display the previous page, click OK.

      To exit without saving, select another page or click Cancel to display the previous page

  2. Modify a Time Schedule

    Use this procedure to modify a time schedule entry.

    Time Schedule - Time Schedule Modify
    1. On the User - Profile menu page click Time Schedule. The User - Time Schedule page displays.
    2. Click Edit on the row for the entry. The User - Time Schedule Modify page displays.
    3. Modify the information as required.
    4. To save your changes and display the previous page, click OK.

      To exit without saving, select another page or click Cancel to display the previous page.

  3. Delete a Time Schedule

    Use this procedure to delete a time schedule.

    Time Schedule - Time Schedule Modify
    1. On the User - Profile menu page click Time Schedule. The User - Time Schedule page displays.
    2. Click Edit on the row for the entry. The User - Time Schedule Modify page displays.
    3. Click Delete. The entry is deleted and the User - Time Schedule page displays.
      WARNING: This action cannot be undone. Once you click Delete, the schedule is permanently deleted.