Outgoing Digit Plan

    Use this menu item on the User - Outgoing Calls menu page to

  • Display the Special Types of Calls You Can Make
  • Display the Special Types of Calls You Can Forward or Transfer

    The Outgoing Digit Plan service displays the special call types you are permitted to make, forward, or transfer.

Display the Special Types of Calls You Can Make

Use this procedure to display the special call types you are permitted to make.

Outgoing Calls - Outgoing Digit Plan (Originating Calls)
  1. On the User - Outgoing Calls menu page click Outgoing Digit Plan. The User - Outgoing Digit Plan page displays.
  2. Click the Originating Calls tab.
    The Originating Calls tab displays the types of calls you are permitted to make.
    A "Y" in the Permitted column indicates that you can make this type of call. An "N" indicates you cannot. If an "A" appears in the Permitted column, an authorization code is required to make this type of call. If a "T1", "T2", or "T3" appears, the call is transferred to one of three alternate numbers. Following is an explanation of each call type.
    tollChargeable calls within the same geographic region.
    localCalls within the local calling area and local toll calls, which may or may not have charges associated with them.
    premium services IChargeable calls to numbers beginning with 900.

  3. To display the previous page, click OK. The User - Outgoing Calls page displays.

Display the Special Types of Calls You Can Forward or Transfer

Use this procedure to display the special call types you are permitted to forward or transfer.

Outgoing Calls - Outgoing Digit Plan (Forwarded/Transferred Calls)
  1. On the User - Outgoing Calls menu page click Outgoing Digit Plan. The User - Outgoing Digit Plan page displays.
  2. Click the Forwarded/Transferred Calls tab.
    The Forwarded/Transferred Calls tab displays the types of calls you are permitted to forward or transfer. A check mark in the Permitted column indicates that you can forward or transfer this type of call. If no check mark appears, you cannot. Following is an explanation of each call type.
    tollChargeable calls within the same geographic region.
    localCalls within the local calling area and local toll calls, which may or may not have charges associated with them.
    premium services IChargeable calls to numbers beginning with 900.

  3. To display the previous page, click OK. The User - Outgoing Calls page displays.