
This chapter contains sections that correspond to each item on the User – Conferencing menu page. You have access to this menu page only if you have been authorized to administer a conference bridge. Use the User – Conferencing menu page to administer your conference bridges.

User – Conferencing Menu
    The User – Conferencing menu page contains these menu items:
  • Basic menu
    • Conferences
    • Recordings
  • Advanced menu
    • Bridges
    • Reports
    Access Conferencing Menu
  • To access the Conferencing menu page, click Conferencing in the Options list.
    Use this menu item on the User – Conferencing menu page to:
  • List Your Current Conferences
  • List Your Future Conferences
  • List Your Expired Conferences
  • Delete a Conference from the List
  • Add a Conference to Start Immediately
  • Add a One-time Conference
  • Add a Recurring Conference
  • Add a Reservationless Conference
  • Modify a Conference
  • Delete a Conference
  • Access as a Leader
  • Access as a Participant