List Your Expired Conferences

    You use the User - Conferences (Expired tab) page to list the expired conferences on the system as shown in the following figure. On this page you can search for a particular conference or delete a conference from the list. From this page, you can display your future or current conferences, add a conference, start a conference with two participants, add a conference for two participants, or select a conference to be modified or deleted.

    The User - Conferences (Expired tab) page is a list page that allows you to search several different ways. You can click the headings of a column to change the sort order of items in the column, use the input boxes below the data to specify search criteria, or click the page links, for example, Next or Previous.

    Use this procedure to display all or a subset of your expired conferences.

    User – Conferences (Expired tab)
    1. On the User - Conferencing menu page click Conferences. The User - Conferences page displays the Current tab.
    2. Click the Expired tab. The User - Conferences page displays the Expired tab.
    3. To display the previous page, click OK or Cancel.